Sign up for a Corporate Governance training course Certificate which organized by Mongolian Association of Securities Dealers.
Corporate Governance Training Certificate will be held May 5, 2017.
The course is:
For Board members, managers, senior officials, and secretariats that aiming to provide management skills, rather than activities, oriented towards strategic and long-term goals and the program is developed within the curriculum approved by the National Board of Governors. By participating in the training you will:
The importance of corporate governance is world best practices
The way in which a corporate governance system is to be compliant with the Mongolian legal framework and the OECD principles,
The role of independent, non-executive directors, the separation of the chairman and the executive management, the independence of the board,
Shareholders, Board of Directors and executive management and other stakeholders in the corporate governance responsibilities,
The scope of the board’s authority, the direction of the executive management, the obligations to approve the strategy,
By ensuring internal control and disclosure of information, the board of directors is responsible for protecting the interests of shareholders,
The duties and responsibilities of the secretary of the board and the ways in which the meeting can be organized effectively.
In accordance with Article 75.8 of the Company Law approved in 2011, the Board of Directors of the Company and the Board of Directors shall have the qualifications for Corporate Governance training and certified. Class is recruiting individuals of 10-15 and Tuition fee is 250,000 MNT
Payment account: 102100172091 state bank of Mongolian Association of Securities Dealers.
Phone: 7012-3339 Mail:
When: May 5, 6, 2017.
Where: “BDSec” company’s building 2nd floor