Pursuant to the Resolution No. 05 of The State Emergency Commission dated April 08, 2021 moving into the Red Level of heightened state of emergency readiness in order to contain the rising spread of COVID-19.
Therefore, determination of coronavirus infection (covid-19), activities of government organizations, individuals and legal entities temporary regulation procedure, and The Financial Regulatory Commission No 5/1341 dated April 09, 2021, and The MCSDS Executive Director Decision No B/33 dated April 09, 2021, decision was made to submit the shareholders survey in electronic form with additional service terms based on the request of the Joint Stock Companies to hold the regular shareholders meeting.
Therefore, the request to receive the shareholders survey in electronic form should be sent to savings@mcsd.mn and it must necessary to mention the e-mail address and telephone number of the person authorized to receive the survey.
If the shareholders survey is receive electronically with additional service conditions, the fee will be MNT 40,000.
The fee will be transferred to the account number 102100549647 of the State Bank of “MCSD” LLC.
Please come and get the original copy of the survey of securities holders when the high readiness is low!