“Erdenes-Tavan Tolgoi” stock company re-launched the Tsankhi Western mine last year and successfully sold its first sales in accordance with the decision of the Government of Mongolia in order to increase the state budget and increase taxes and fees in line with the global coal price increase.
As a result of open tender offer, 300 thousand tons of coal will be initially supplied from the Tsankhi West mine at 71.5 USD per tons at the mine site and 100 per cent advance to the market. This is the first case of “Erdenes-Tavan Tolgoi” stock company’s first open tender, which is 100% required pre-payment for the first time.
Erdenes-Tavan Tolgoi stock company has been valued at $ 27 per ton on mine sight in the third quarter of last year, according to a share price index of the Tsankhi.
In the fourth quarter, $ 33,
From December to USD 50,
From January 2017 to $ 59.3
The first coal mined from Tsankhi’s western mine was sold at 71.5 dollars on January 15, 2017. “Erdenes-Tavan Tolgoi” was sold per tonn at 70 USD in 2013 in Tsagaanhhad port, today it is selling $ 71.5 from mining pit.