Үнэт Цаасны Төвлөрсөн Хадгаламжийн Төв




The regular meeting of the Financial Regulatory Commission has been held today. The meeting included a list of 26 leading companies in the world, including the temporary list of securities trading firms registered with foreign issuers who could issue securities in Mongolia.
There are 24 listed countries with a list of underlying securities on Mongolia’s depository.
By approving these lists, registered companies and countries will be able to register Mongolia’s depository receipts based on the listed securities of Mongolia and to register their securities based on listed securities.

Therefore, stock companies which  listed market should follow certain procedures as:
registration requirements,
revising criteria, possible discounts,
exempt liberalization of its own rules and regulations,
create conditions for the investor’s rights and interests,
Ensure transparency and reporting of double-listed companies

“Mongolian Stock Exchange” and “Mongolian Stock Exchange” are responsible for establishing and managing regulations above.

The lists include the internationally recognized Morgan Stanley Capital international and the Financial Times Stock Exchange index of the capital market infrastructure, regulatory and legal environment, as well as national trader’s proposals and foreign listed companies operating in Mongolian stock market.

Today, international operations is well known, and cross-border business companies are increasing and the significance of registering their securities into two or more exchanges techniques has been increasing.

The stock company should be able to register its securities at different stock exchanges or make a deposit based on its own securities abroad, which will increase the liquidity of the securities, expand the investor base, attract additional capital, internationally known company value will increase, and company value will be recognizable.  It is of great importance to increase product sales and profitability as cross border stock company.

Source: www.frc.mn