Үнэт Цаасны Төвлөрсөн Хадгаламжийн Төв




Securities market value reached 1.4 trillion MNT in the first half of this year, and it is up by 14.6 billion MNT or 1.03 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.

This growth is included in the TOP-20 index
“APU” share price by 17.0,
“SUU” valued at 39.0,
The value of “Mongol Post” increased by 62.0 percent.

Overall 30 companies comprise 89.6 percent of the total market value. The mining companies have a direct impact on market value growth and decline.

TOP list of 20 companies the shares of “Tavan Tolgoi”, “Shivee ovoo” and “Berkh Uul” shares decreased by 63.0, 52.0 and 70.0 percent respectively in the first half of this year.

The market value of the first half of the year was 0.93 percentage points against liquidity and it is increased by 0.53 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. Increased liquidity level influenced by 33.8 million shares of Mongol Post shares at 6.26 billion MNT trading value in primary stock market which accounts for 47.3% of total trading value.

Source: www.frc.mn