Үнэт Цаасны Төвлөрсөн Хадгаламжийн Төв

“Mongolian capital markets development strategy of until 2020” is being held


Mr. Latifah Merican Cheong, the Consultant of Korean Trust Fund of World bank has worked on the “Mongolian capital markets development strategy of until 2020”.

In order to make this strategy planning a policy document and ensure the further implementation, discussion is being held among the all participatory organizations.

In the first part of the discussion, the representatives of the decision making organizations such as FRC, Ministry of Finance, Mongol Bank, MSE, MSCH&CD have exchanged their views with the World bank consultant.

In the second part of the discussion, representatives of the implementing organizations such as members organizations of the Mongolian Association of Securities Dealers and investment management companies are going to reflect their views in the document of the Mongolian capital markets development strategy of until 2020.