Үнэт Цаасны Төвлөрсөн Хадгаламжийн Төв

“Mongol Makh Expo” JSC has allocated the dividends to its clients’ accounts


22971350Following the 309th FRC Resolution of the 10th of July, 2015, “Mongol Makh Expo” JSC has distributed  1,955 MNT per share. The amount has been allocated to the 297 clients’ accounts on the 23rd of July, 2015.

Date Code Share percentage Company name Price per share Number of Clients Number of shares Amount allocated in the account (MNT)
2015/07/23 226 “Mongol Makh Expo” JSC 1,955 297 51,914 101,491,870
Total 101,491,870