Үнэт Цаасны Төвлөрсөн Хадгаламжийн Төв

Meeting for IPO issuance for a state owned company is being organized


FRC, Japan financial services agency and JAICA have started implementing the 3 year long project to strengthen Mongolian capital market capacity.

Within the project framework, Japan’s professional consultancy team shall organize a meeting for professional intermediary and underwriting companies to provide technical assistance concerning the IPO issuance for national companies at the MSE and creating a condition to attract investment by duable listing the listed companies in the foreign stock exchange.

In this line, JACIA project team, FRC and State property committee are jointly organizing a half-day meeting for administrators of certain state owned companies and factories.

The meeting shall introduce the project, discuss the IPO issuance of the state owned companies at the stock exchange and issues regarding additional shares as well as possibility and opportunity to issue securities at the foreign stock exchange.

The executives of 19 companies which are included in the main privatization planning submitted by the State Property Committee to the Government participate in the discussion and exchange information.