Information technology is developing in Mongolia in very fast environment and we are making sure that MCSD launching a new service that positively affect to our operation by introducing Internet service to our clients. In the result, citizens and entities can access to their account of capital market by login to by anytime and from any location. Client can access to own account and control their account balance and all transactions held in their accounts as well as make analysis of securities which as closing price and rate of securities.
Citizens of Mongolia and foreign investors who has account in central securities depository, can access to own account for purpose of protecting confidentiality of own information from any risk.
Account holder needs to bring civil identification card or similar documents and must credit their account to open internet account.
Following documents are needed for receive internet account access:
- Client’s application
- If it’s entity, then must be with official letter
- By signing internet service contract
MCSD’s personnel who is in charge for internet service will hand over you internet account number and secret code after receiving above documents and will contract client to receive those codes by paper.
Internet account service fee shall be paid once a year from your account and charge amount can be different depending on service types. For instance, if only check account balance it’s 2000MNT, if client would like to see detailed account statement, then it’s 4000MNT additionally and account analysis can be visible for 2000MNT. You can receive all of above services by your request form by filling it. However if client would like to receive a new login code, then client must pay 1000MNT.