Үнэт Цаасны Төвлөрсөн Хадгаламжийн Төв

“Erdenes Tavantolgoi JSC” shares has been reposted to the citizens who have not received their endowment


On the 20th of April, 2015 Government Resolution 151st to repost the “Erdenes Tavantolgoi” JSC shares has passed. Accordingly, from the 27th of April, 2015 to 29th of April, 2015 MSCH&CD has completed the registration of the reposting of the “Erdenes Tavantolgoi” JSC shares to all the citizens who have submitted their request to claim endowments.

If you would like more information regarding the “Erdenes Tavantolgoi” JSC shares ownership, please visit our company’s website, www.mcsd.mn and enter window called CHECK YOUR ACCOUNT. On this window, there is an ID number link where you can type your ID number. In this section, you can insert your ID number in Cyrillic and push search button to receive information concerning your “Erdenes Tavantolgoi” JSC shares.

Should you have any inquiry regarding the shares, please contact us at 70120460, Public Relations Department of MSCH&CD.