№ | Company name | Address | Phone | Web site |
1 | “ACE&T Capital Securities Company” LLC | Suite 301, Smart Building,Seoul street-37, 5th khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar | 70101044, 99114220, 88850511 | www.aceandtcapital.com |
2 | “Ard Securities UTsK” LLC | 2nd floor,Ard Sanhuugiin Negdel company’s building, Eronhii said Amariin street, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar city | 321899 | www.ardsecurities.com |
3 | “Altan Khoromsog UTsK” LLC | Building of Ard Financial group, 8th khoroo, Sukhbaatar district | 321899, 77078080 | |
4 | “Asia Pacific Securities” LLC | 77300550, 99071772 | www.mongolia-investment.com | |
5 | “Ard Capital UTsK” LLC | Suite 503, Building of Delta Center, Juulchin Str-35, 1st khoroo, Chingeltei district, Ulaanbaatar | 88043839, 310262 | www.ardcapital.mn |
6 | “Argai Best UTsK” LLC | 313324, 327026, 5000-8777 | www.argaibest.mn | |
7 | “Bats UTsK” LLC | Apartment 23-76, in front of the Bayangol Hotel, 220k, Sukhbaatar district | 321013, 99118082 | www.bats.mse.mn |
8 | “Baga Kheer” LLC | |||
9 | “BBSS” LLC | 329713, 99113369 | ||
10 | “BDSec UTsK” JSC | BDSec Joint Stock Company, Zaluuchuud Avenue 27/1, 8th Khoroo, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar City Mongolia | 70112845, 313108, 321763 | www.bdsec.mn |
11 | “Blackstone International UTsK” LLC | 16/2, Khasbaatarin gudamj, 3th horoolol, 14th khoroo, Bayangol district, Ulaanbaatar city Mongolia | 99008676, 11305382 | www.bsi.mn |
12 | “Blue sky securities” JSC | Chingeltei district,3rd khoroo, Taiwanese cultural center, 207 | 70129060 | |
13 | “Bulgan Broker UTsK” LLC | 9-33, 5th microdistrict, 3rd khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar city | 324449, 99195114, 96655849 | www.bulganbroker.mn |
14 | “Bumbat-Altai UTsK” LLC | UB, Chingeltei district, 4th khoroo, Terkh Tsagaan Nuur LLC building 16b, №301 | 70112166, 99039140 | |
15 | “Mire Esset Securities Mongolia UTsK” LLC | #406, Blue Sky Tower, Peace Avenue 17, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar 14240, Mongolia | 70110806, 70110899 | |
16 | “Capital Market Corporation UTsK” LLC | Building of Capital bank, Chingeltei district, Tumurchin street, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia | 88087272, 99195753 | www.mongoliancapitalmarket.mn |
17 | “DCF” LLC | Apartment 12-14, 4th khoroo, Chingeltei district | 312604, 99112280, 99069250 | |
18 | “Delgerkhangai Securities” LLC | #902, GB plaza, 8th khoroo, Sukhbaatar district | 99093482, 99009803 | www.dhsecurities.mn |
19 | “Darkhan Broker UTsK” LLC | Chingeltei distric, Sambuu street, Global buziness center, 4 floor 406 | 99103719 | www.darkhanbroker.mn |
20 | “Eurasia capital holding UTsK” JSC | Suite 314, Regency, Olympic Street-16, Khoroo 1, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia | 77119799, 99094422 | www.eurasiac.com |
21 | “FCX UTsK” LLC | Building of Mongol Diesel JSC, Jalkhanz Khutagt Damdinbazar Street, 19th khoroo, Bayangol district, Ulaanbaatar | 70100323, 99085490 | www.fcx.mn |
22 | “Finance Link Group” LLC | UB, Peace avenue-14210, “auto route” street, “Khasbu plaza” №301 | 77117008 | www.capitalmarket.mn |
23 | “Frontier securities” LLC | Suite 705, Blue Sky Tower, Peace Avenue – 17, 1st khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar city | 70119999, 345965, 99005910 | www.frontier.mn |
24 | “Gatsuurt Trade UTsK” LLC | Bayangol District, 20th Khoroo, “Gatsuurt” Central office, #111 | 70113377, 99123777 | www.gatsuurttrade.com |
25 | “Gauli Securities” LLC | Suite 602, Sonor Plaza Center, Student’s Avenue, 8st khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar city | 70153300, 99045961 70153302 | |
26 | “Granddevelopment” LLC | Suite 403, FB Platinum, Peace Avenue-92, 4th khoroo, Bayangol district | 70149088, 70140988 | |
27 | “Goodsec UTsK” LLC | Suite 14, Apartment No.8, 6th khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar | 331878, 88114876 | |
28 | “Golomt Capital BC” LLC | Central Tower, Floor 6, Suite 606B, Great Chinggis khaan’s Square 2, SBD-8 Ulaanbaatar 14200, Mongolia | 70121530, 70121529 | www.golomtcapital.com |
29 | “Gendex UTsK” LLC | Suite 401, Building of Mongol Daatgal-1, 5th microdistrict, 5th khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar | 77224777 | www.gendex.mn |
30 | “Gobiin Noyon Nuruu” LLC | Umnugobi province, Dalayzadgad soum, “Goviin orgil” center | 86181968, 70534010 | |
31 | “Hunnu Empire UTsK” LLC | Baynzurkh district, building “Bridge plaza”, №401 | 99013623 | |
32 | “Lifetime Investment Securities Company” LLC | #405, 4th floor, Royal business center, Youth Avenue, 1st khoroo, Bayanzurkh district | 96666601, 70121418 | www.lifetime.mn |
33 | “Mergen Sanaa UTsK” LLC | Bayanzurh district 15 section building 30-67 | 451626, 99193878 | |
34 | “MIBG” LLC | Suite 307 Colorado Business center, 12-1 Amarsanaa Str, 15th khoroo, Bayangol district, Ulaanbaatar | 99998707 | www.mibg.mn |
35 | “MICC” LLC | Suite 912, Central Tower, Sukhbaatar Square-2, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar | 70112023, 70112024 | www.micc.mn |
36 | “Mongol Securities” JSC | Bayanzurkh district, 8st Khoroo; “22th autobase” tower №201 | 96997989, 70120708 | www.msec.mn |
37 | “Masdaq Unet Tsaasnii Company” LLC | UB, Bayanzurkh district, 5th khoroo, “Asgat service” LLC building, 2 floor № 219 | 313327, 96811008, 99881008 | |
38 | “Monsec UTsK” LLC | 70153090, 91918840 | ||
39 | “MW Trading Securities” LLC | Suite 105, G&D center, Student street 16/3, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar | 70116030, 88878969 | www.mwts.mn |
40 | “Novel Investment UTsK” LLC | 70121616, 91074411 | www.novel.mn | |
41 | “National Securities SC” LLC | #301, Express tower, Peace avenue-4, 1st Khoroo, Chingeltei District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia | 331754, 94081189, 70533088 | www.nationalsecurities.mn |
42 | “Prevalent” LLC | Sukhbaatar district, “Youth avenue”, Baga toiruu 12, 1st floor at “Esc” center | 99037926, 329813 | |
43 | “Sanar UTsK” LLC | UB8 Bayanzurh district8 14th khoroo, Peace avenue8 “Mongoliin undesnii almaazan urumdlug” LLC building, #304 | 96669730, 99167312, 99098709 | |
44 | “Secap UTsK” LLC | Sukhbaatar district, 8-khoroo, 40-1-1 | 70113980 99103980 | www.secap.mn |
45 | “Standard Investment UTsK” LLC | 70114433, 99072694, 99072783 | www.standardinvestment.mn | |
46 | “Tavan Bogd UTsK” LLC | #202 building of Confederation of Mongolian Trade Unions, Sukhbaatar district, Sukhbaatar street-2 | 313291, 0142222093, 99089224 | www.tbsec.mn |
47 | “Tulgat Chandmani Bayan UTsK” LLC | 313656, 50053322, 99193322 | ||
48 | “TDB Capital UTsK” LLC | Head office of Trade & Development Bank, 14210 Peace avenue 19, Sukhbaatar district, 1st khoroo, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia | 311944, 311914 | www.tdbcapital.mn |
49 | “Tenger Capital UTsK” LLC | Sukhbaatar district, 1 khoroo, Jamiyangun street, ICC tower, 16th floor | 70110637 | www.tengercapital.mn |
50 | “Teso Investment” LLC | District Sukhbaatar, Central tower, 903 тоот | 77446161 | |
51 | “Undukhaan Invest UTsK” LLC | 99081660, 329292 | ||
52 | “Zeus Capital” LLC | Suite 203, Building of Bolor Business Center, 220k, 2nd khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar | 331436, 99111183, 99078344 | www.zeuscapital.mn |
53 | “ZGB” LLC | № 201, Tsetsee Gun company’s building, Sukhbaatar street-6, 4th khoroo, Chingeltei district | 324099, 88116031, 99907367 | |
54 | “Zerged UTsK” LLC | Bayngol District, 4th khoroo, building 5, №24 | 367609, 99297779 |