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17th Asia-Pacific Central Securities Depository Group (ACG)’s regional cross training seminar is taking place


acg17“MSCH&CD” Co.,Ltd became the member of Asia-Pacific Central Securities Depository Group /ACG/ in 2006 which granted a wide opportunity to receive information regarding the changes that are occurring at international capital market, exchange experience and cooperate mutually.

ACG’s member countries annually organize the cross training in turn and in 2011 MSCH&CD successfully organized the 13th ACG Cross training in Mongolia.

The 17th ACG cross training seminar is taking place between 11th and 14th of May, 2015  in Colombo, Sri Lanka. This cross training is being organized by the Central Depository System (Pvt.) Ltd.

It is a significant training seminar where ACG 23 member countries participating to discuss the pressing issues and exchange their opinions.

At this seminar, the countries in charge of the Exchange of Information Task Force / JASDEC/, Legal Task Force / China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited/, New Business Initiative Task Force / Korea Securities Depository /, Technical Task Force / National Securities Depository Limited of India/ and Risk and Recovery Management Task Force / Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited / receive suggestions for presentations from the members to organize discussions in the related task forces.